Adam & Shogi | from home to their neighbourhood greenspace, a love story

Love, sweet, beautiful love. It’s why I do what I do for a living. To be in the presence of two humans who are just being them, just going through life loving this person they’ve picked as their person, well its the best place to be. The conversations are full of heart, the laughter is constant, the little glances make your heart skip a beat, the little caresses warm your soul, the connection…. it’s all like magic on fire.

Adam & Shogi invited me into their light filled home where we cheers’d to love, and I captured the way they fill the room with happiness. Then we went for a little walk as the sun started to set.

My face is all smiles writing this because every time I think of them, see them pop up on social media or bump into them in person (back when we were out and about… oh how I miss bumping into sweet souls like these two) I just cant help but feel so frigging happy about the people in this world. And, these two definitely take the cake with their beautiful hearts. They are definitely some of the first people I cant wait to see in person once we can get of our homes.

Plus this session reminds me that being at home is kind of amazing because it’s really just about the person you are spending this time with and if it’s someone as lovely as either of these guys, then your time is gonna be oh so sweet.


Cathleen & Andrew | an intimate restaurant wedding at Peter Pan


Melissa & Aubrey | At home maternity session